Throw rock at them!

all good boy..chill k?
this one is not for you!

10 rajin komen:

Unknown said...[Reply to comment]

ini kes putus cinta ke apo nih...

SoLy SoLicious said...[Reply to comment]

xbek lmpar batu kt depa

Unknown said...[Reply to comment]


Anonymous said...[Reply to comment]

klu laki tu mati kena baling batu tu..msti dia jadi hantu dan kacau awak..haha

Eera Shera said...[Reply to comment]

papa mifz,mano ado frust2 nih :p

soly solicious,hehe..

jiji, awat?nak kena lempaq :)

sifu, yela jd pontianak jantan pulak kan :p

Unknown said...[Reply to comment]

hahaha jgn baling kat aku..

K said...[Reply to comment]

alien takpe kan? :P

Kancil 8349 said...[Reply to comment]

kesiannya...yang bodoh tu kena lontar batu...hehehehe

Nazhirah Mazlan said...[Reply to comment]


Eera Shera said...[Reply to comment]

huhu..all good boys chill ok..yg jht je kasik lempaq..hahahahaaa *gelak kejam*